Cleaning the mouth from birth.
Cleaning your baby's mouth is essential for good oral health. Milk and
food debris provide an ideal culture for fungal and bacterial growth.
Moping this up daily with a Xgel sponges removes this debris which can often
also be a source of unpleaseant mouth odours. The drop of Xgel Solution
applied to the sponge has a sweet pleasant taste encouraging cleaning and
providing anti thrush properties.
Time to introduce the finger brush.
about six months or when baby has a couple of teeth we can start to
introduce brushing. This is best done with a soft and gentle Xgel finger
brush. Gently lifting the gum and feeling your way around gently brush
over the teeth and gums. Continue with this but if baby starts to bite
your finger it's time to move on.
We can now move to a regular childs tooth brush.
your toddler is able to open their mouths they should be able to cope
with a regular tooth brush. At this stage you can place them back on
your lap and effectively brush in a controlled manor for them. A hand
held mirror in your left hand so they can watch what is happening can
help them cope. You can turn this into a positive and fun time
chasing 'Gerry the germ' etc. Xgel is safe and beneficial to
swallow and reduces the dependency on mechanical agitation only to
remove stubborn plaque biofilm from the teeth, you brush as best you are
able and the Xgel will do the rest.

Right from the start video (click here).
Right from the start video (click here).
Xgel is not just for children to find out more (click here).
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